Charitable and nonprofit organization licenses

Learn what we consider to be a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization and what gambling activities you can offer, whether licensed or unlicensed.

Licensing requirements for charitable and nonprofit organizations

Learn about which organizations can qualify as a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization for the purposes of conducting gambling activities.

Punch boards and pull-tabs (charitable or nonprofit)

If you are a charitable or nonprofit organization, learn what you need to offer punch boards and pull-tabs, including applications, training information, and recordkeeping requirements.

Card games (charitable or nonprofit)

Learn what you need to offer charitable or nonprofit card games, including applications, training information, and recordkeeping requirements.

Raffles, excluding electronic and enhanced (charitable or nonprofit)

Learn who can offer unlicensed and licensed raffle activities, including applications, training information, recordkeeping requirements, and helpful rules.

Fund-raising events

Learn the ways that your nonprofit can run a gambling fund-raising event legally.

Recreational gaming activity (Charitable or nonprofit)

See information about and learn how to apply for a charitable or nonprofit recreational gaming activity (RGA) permit, including applications and training information.