Fund-raising events

Learn the ways that your nonprofit can run a gambling fund-raising event legally.

Who can apply for a fund-raising event license

If you are a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, you may apply to offer fund-raising event (FRE) activities.

Learn more about our licensing requirements for charitable or nonprofit organizations.

You must apply for a separate FRE license for each event you wish to hold.

About FREs

Visit the Washington State Legislature site to see the law that governs fund-raising events (

With an FRE license, you can conduct any gambling activities allowed for nonprofit organizations. This includes raffles, bingo, amusement games, pull-tabs, and card games. An FRE is sometimes called a "Casino Night", "Reno Night", or "Carnival".

There are 3 types of FREs.

Standard FRE

  • 1 event not to exceed 24 consecutive hours
  • 1 event not to exceed 72 consecutive hours.

Joint FRE

  • FREs held by a collective of more than 1 bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization
  • A joint FRE will count as 1 event only for the lead organization(s) receiving 50% or more of the net receipts for the purposes of the number of such events an organization may conduct each year.

Limited FRE

  • 1 limited FRE not to exceed 6 consecutive hours.

How to apply

In addition to all the materials outlined in our licensing process, the complete application includes:

For joint FREs

The lead organization is responsible for completing the Joint Fund-Raising Event Agreement (PDF, 200 KB) form.

Submit your application at least 60 days prior to the event.

If applying online

FRE applications are available online. You must have a SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account with Washington State Gambling Commission's MyAccount services to submit your application.

Learn how to register for SAW

If applying by mail

If you're applying by mail, make sure you use the correct address based on the carrier you're using.

For US Mail (No UPS or FedEx)

Washington State Gambling Commission
PO Box 42400
Olympia WA 98504-2400

For UPS, FedEx, and overnight packages

Washington State Gambling Commission
4565 7th Avenue SE
Lacey WA 98503

Required training

After we grant your license, you have 30 days to complete your required training:

Highest-ranking officer training

In addition to the above training for your activity, you must also review the following:

Required recordkeeping

You must:

  • Maintain records in sufficient detail to determine the net receipts of each gambling station operated
  • Record a reconciliation of the ending cash on hand to net receipts
  • Deposit the ending cash on hand within 2 banking days of the conclusion of the FRE and must include a validated deposit slip as part of the records
  • Not spend any of the ending cash before the deposit.

Use the following packets to help you keep records that meet our standards:

Retaining your records

You must retain the records for 3 years from the end of your fiscal year.

Renewing your license

This license is not renewable. You must apply for a separate FRE license for each event you wish to hold.

Reporting changes to your license

There are certain changes you must tell us about. Learn how to report changes to your license.