Public Subscriptions

Public Subscriptions

The Washington State Gambling Commission is now using GovDelivery to deliver email bulletin messages to self-subscribed users.  See the topics below, and choose which to sign up to. 

All Rules Changes

This allows interested parties to be informed of every Public Comment Session we host regarding potential Rules (WAC) changes.  

Commission Materials

This subscription alerts Users to the addition of Commission Meeting materials to the WSGC website.  Materials are generally made available no later than 1 week before the next Commission Meeting.

WSGC Newsletter

Sign up to receive general updates on WSGC activities and interests.  This newsletter will focus on positive effects the WSGC has on communities it works with, and informative updates on how legislative and RCW changes can affect Gambling interests in WA.

GovDelivery is a web-based e-mail subscription management system that allows members of the public (Users) to subscribe to emailed updates on a variety of topics.  The User's profile consists of their email address and the topics they wish to receive updates to.  Users may customize and manage their profiles and cancel subscriptions at any time.

Please be aware that the address is a valid email and will be used for communications going forward.  This address is not monitored; please check our About Us page for contact details