Electronic raffles (charitable or nonprofit)

Learn what you need to offer a charitable or nonprofit electronic raffle license, including applications, training information, and recordkeeping requirements.

Who can apply for an electronic raffle license

Only a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization with a purpose that meets certain criteria is allowed to conduct electronic raffles in Washington. The organization must:

  • Be organized and continuously operating for at least 12 months before applying for a license
  • Is established by or directly affiliated with a qualified sports team for the purpose of raising funds for charity
  • Plans to conduct electronic raffles in accordance with the law regarding raffles.

Learn more about our licensing requirements for charitable or nonprofit organizations.

About electronic raffles

Visit the Washington State Legislature site to see all the rules that govern raffles (apps.leg.wa.gov).

A "raffle" is a game in which:

  • Tickets bearing an individual number are sold for not more than $100 each
  • Prize or prizes are awarded on the basis of a drawing from the tickets by the person or persons conducting the game
  • No person other than a bona fide member of the organization takes any part in the management or operation of the game
  • No part of the proceeds can benefit any person other than the organization conducting the game.

An "electronic raffle" means a licensed raffle that uses an electronic raffle system for sales, accountability, and printing of tickets. 

Electronic raffles can only be conducted during a home game of a qualified sports team. 

How to apply

In addition to all the materials outlined in our licensing process, the complete application includes:

Current licensees: Add raffles to your existing gambling license

If you already have an active gambling license with us and would like to add electronic raffles as a new activity, complete the "Add an Activity" application.

Electronic raffle - Add an Activity to Charitable / Nonprofit Organization Application Packet (PDF, 500 KB)

If applying online

Electronic raffle applications are available online. You must have a SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account with Washington State Gambling Commission's MyAccount services to submit your application.

If you don't have a SAW account, learn how to register for SAW.

If applying by mail

If you're applying by mail, make sure you use the correct address based on the carrier you're using.

For US Mail (No UPS or FedEx)

Washington State Gambling Commission
PO Box 42400
Olympia WA 98504-2400

For UPS, FedEx, and overnight packages

Washington State Gambling Commission
4565 7th Avenue SE
Lacey WA 98503

Required training

After we grant your license, you have 30 days to complete your required training:

Highest-ranking officer

In addition to the above training for your activity, you must also review the following:

Required recordkeeping

You must:

  • Complete records, in the format we prescribe, for each raffle within 72 hours after each drawing
  • Record all data in ink, on storage media, or in other permanent form
  • Print, or back up in a permanent form, all the original sales data supporting the raffle drawing
  • Separately maintain the drawing's printed raffle tickets for a minimum of 30 days or until the prize is awarded, whichever is greater
  • Keep all winning tickets
  • Keep the video recording of each drawing
  • Keep the test form we prescribe for each electronic raffle
  • Keep any and all electronic raffle system reports listed in GLI-31
  • Retain all invoices or receipts for raffles prizes and expenses
  • Keep a set of permanent monthly records of electronic raffle actvity.

Use the following handouts to help you keep records that meet our standards:

Retaining your records

You must retain the records for 3 years from the end of your fiscal year.

Renewing your license

Licenses expire each year. Learn more about how to renew your license.

Reporting changes to your license

There are certain changes you must tell us about. Learn how to report changes to your license.