Request for public comment

See proposed rules you can comment on and complete the form to do so.

The Commission is seeking public comment on the following proposed rule changes:

Public petitions received by the agency requesting a rule change in which the Commissioners have initiated rule-making proceedings.







Centralized Surveillance
Public Comment opened: 01.11.2024
The Gambling Commission received a petition requesting the creation of a regulatory structure to allow Class F and house-banked card rooms to implement centralized surveillance monitoring systems.


Rules Summary


WAC 230-11 Raffles.
Public Comment opened: 09.20.2023
Public Comment closed: 03.25.2024
The Gambling Commission received a petition to amend various raffle rules related to nonprofit raffles in order to keep up with inflation and ease the burden of record keeping. Commission staff would also like to add additional requirements to high-value raffles in the event that ticket sales fall short of expectations in order to protect both the raffle organizer and raffle ticket buyers.


Rules Summary (1)

Rules Summary (2)

Rules Summary (3)

Rules Summary (4)




Staff-initiated rule changes.




WAC 230-06 Rules for all licensees.
Public Comment opened: 04.19.2023
Public Comment closed: 05.09.2024
Commissioners asked Gambling Commission staff to review, amend and/or suggest new rules related to problem gambling signage and materials.

Rules Summary




WAC 230-17 Hearing rules.
Public Comment opened: 08.01.2023
Staff recommended initiation of rule making to adjust rules to address timeframes for filing motions, responses, and other legal documents, as well as to introduce other changes that might clarify haring processes and ensure consistency.

Rules Summary


WAC 230-03-155 Submitting a proposed plan of operations for charitable and nonprofit organizations.
Public Comment opened: 09.20.2023
Public Comment closed: 01.12.2024

The Commission has not received an application for large bingo operations in the last 20 years. Other rules already exist imposing additional reporting requirements on charitable and nonprofit organization with gross gambling receipts of $3 million dollars or more. The rule is redundant and can be repealed.

Rules Summary




WAC 230-06-046 Additional requirements for licensed business premises of non house-banked, Class F, and house-banked card rooms.
Public Comment opened: 10.27.2023
Public Comment closed: 04.22.2024
Staff recommended initiation of rule making to clarify further the limited conditions permitting non house-banked, Class F, and house-banked card rooms to be adjacent to each other.

Rules Summary





WAC 230-05-160, WAC 230-05-165, WAC 230-05-170 Fees for Charitable or nonprofit organizations, commercial stimulant organization fees, Fees for other businesses.
Public Comment opened: 01.12.2024
Staff recommended initiation of rule making to increase fees in order to cover the agency's costs of licensing, regulation, and enforcement beginning in fiscal year 2025. Rules Summary 

WAC 230-06-025 Restrictions on firearms as prizes.
Public Comment: 03.14.2024
Public Comment closed: 07.11.2024
The Gambling Commission has asked staff to review WAC 230-06-025, Restrictions on firearms as prizes, to ensure compliance with all state firearms statutes.

Rules Summary




WAC 230-15-050 Minimum Cash On Hand.
Public Comment opened: 03.18.2024
The Gambling Commission has asked staff to begin rulemaking to address the minimum cash on hand requirements for house-banked card rooms.  

Rules Summary



WAC 230-03, 230-05, 230-06
Aligning license expiration dates.
Public Comment opened: 03.14.2024
The Gambling Commission has asked staff to begin rulemaking to align all organizational license expiration dates to June 30th.

Rules Summary



WAC Title 230 IT modernization.
Public Comment opened: 05.14.2024
The Gambling Commission has authorized staff to replace current legacy IT systems, and has recognized several chapters of WAC Title 230 that will need to be amended or updated.

Rules Summary


RCW 42.56.270 Agency Request Legislation
Exemptions to Public Records Act
The Gambling Commission staff is working on language for amending RCW 45.56.270 to exempt financial and proprietary information from Public Records Act information requests. ARL Notice Letter

Form Description

To submit your comments, please complete the form below. Please note that your comments will be considered a public record and will be disclosable upon request.

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