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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Name Expiration Date UBI Contact Name Org ID Premises Location Category
NILE WOMEN'S CLUB 06/30/2025 601591569 PAMELA BROWN 00-24044 1891 NILE RD
NACHES, WA 98937
Not within city limits
THE WOODSHED BAR & GRILL 03/31/2025 605096302 EMILY DECICCO 00-25105 8580 SR 410
NACHES, WA 98937
Not within city limits
Punchboard/Pull-Tab - Profit
WALKABOUT CREEK SALOON 06/30/2025 602218014 PATRICIA STILL 00-19468 9990 US HWY 12
NACHES, WA 98937
Within city limits
Punchboard/Pull-Tab - Profit
WHISTLIN JACK LODGE 06/30/2025 604552093 RUSSELL ROBERTS 00-25119 20800 US HWY 410
NACHES, WA 98937
Not within city limits
Punchboard/Pull-Tab - Profit