Simplified fee and filing structure

Read about our simplified fee structure and schedules, which became effective in 2018.

We've made it easier and more convenient for organizations to apply for gambling licenses by creating a simpler and more flexible fee structure.

The old fee structure originated in the 1970s when the first gambling activities were legalized in Washington State. The gambling industry has seen many changes since then, which has caused the fee schedule to become complex and cumbersome over the years. The old fee structure had grown to include 194 different fees and required licensees to estimate gambling receipts for the upcoming year in order to determine which license to apply for. Estimating revenues often resulted in overpaid fees, which required refunds, or underpaid fees, which carried penalties.

The redesigned fee structure:

  • Reduces the number of fee categories
  • Eliminates the need for organizations to estimate future gambling receipts in order to determine license classes
  • Allows organizations to take in revenue before paying fees
  • Allows organizations to make quarterly payments rather than annual or biennial payments.

New fee schedules and filing requirements are now effective

On July 1, 2018, the new fee schedules and filing requirements became effective. All licensees must now file quarterly licensing reports, which are due one month after the end of each quarter, based on the following schedule:

July 1 - September 30 October 31
October 1 - December 31 January 31
January 1 - March 31 April 30
April 1 - June 30 July 31

Use our online calculator to estimate your new fees.

Class A amusement game lessees no Longer need to apply for licenses

Those who lease amusement redemption games from an amusement game operator will no longer receive email reminders or paper renewals in the mail. Amusement Game Operators are now responsible for renewing the licenses for each location where their games are operated. As this change is implemented, lessees may have games operating in their locations for a few months without a license. This will not be considered a violation.
