External resources for small businesses

Learn what your small business resources are, including small business guide for doing business in Washington State, regulatory handbook for required permits, and permit processing times.

Small business guide

The Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance' (ORIA) Small Business Guide (www.oria.wa.gov) includes sections that will help you plan, run, grow, or close a business in Washington State, including the steps for starting and operating a business in Washington state and links to other valuable resources.

The Small Business Guide is available in the following languages: 

Regulatory handbook

The Regulatory handbook (apps.oria.wa.gov) contains details about most of the commonly required permits in the state and has links to regulatory agencies statewide.

This searchable handbook includes state, federal and local permits plus information about State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes.

ORIA updates the online version regularly with the latest changes to regulatory laws and requirements.

Permit timeliness data

Permit timeliness data (data.wa.gov) provides the estimated time an agency needs to process a permit application and issue a permit decision.

Restaurant success guide

The City of Seattle's Office of Economic Development's Restaurant success guide (www.seattle.gov) makes it easier to navigate through the rules and requirements potential business owners will face as they start or grow their own restaurant in Seattle.