EagleCheck and manufacturer signature list downloads
Digital signatures
A digital signature is an electronic signature that can be used to ensure that the original content of a file, executable, or directory has been unchanged. When we issue software approvals, we take digital signatures of approved software using the hash algorithms of SHA1 and MD5. When software is delivered to casinos, regulators can run digital signatures on software received to ensure it matches the software we approved.
EagleCheck is a digital signaturing tool that was developed and currently being updated by our lab engineers. EagleCheck can signature any file or directory with SHA1, MD5, or SHA256 hash algorithms by dragging and dropping files into the application.
Current version
The current version of EagleCheck is version 2.3.1 and can be installed on the following Microsoft Operating Systems:
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2008.
EagleCheck works on 64-bit platforms. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 must be installed prior to installing EagleCheck 2.3.
EagleCheck files for download
- New EagleCheck 2.3.1 Installer (Use if you have not installed EagleCheck before)
- New EagleCheck 2.3.1.exe
File comparison
EagleCheck can compare files on a local system to the files we approved by using the DBCompare function built into the application.
Signature lists for manufacturers
You can download the signature lists DBCompare requires:
- Ainsworth
- Aries
- Aristocrat
- Bluberi
- Ditronics
- Everi-Payment
- Everi-Games Multimedia
- FABICash
- Light & Wonder
- Passport Technology
- Pavilion Payments